Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Holy Blood, Holy Grail

It's interesting, the craze that Dan Brown and the Da Vinci Code have created. now all of a sudden everyone has heard of the Templars, the Merovingians and - so is everyone suddenly interested in esoterica and hermetica?

Well i thought it was an amusing read and i do find it fascinating that old stuff and history and myth is suddenly viewed as not so boring by many. of course lots of people won't take it any further but the image of 'templar enthusiasts' may change slightly..who knows we shall see!

The original Holy Blood Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln was published in 1982 and followed on from a BBC documentary. A lot of - or shall we say - most of the stuff in the Da Vinci code came from the theories expressed in this book.

The wikipedia article on this book is useful to read. I shall enjoy myself immensely when i read this book.

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Anonymous said...

yeah. I wouldn't say Dan Brown's Da Vinci book is THE Book of the year for me. And this craze thing is rather amusing.

mind you, speaking of the bloodlines descended by jesus, there is this Mormon group in US that claims to be direct descent from Him and are heavily into incestuos marriage to keep the "bloodline" pure. I have to go get the name of that cult. Extremely scary article I read! :(

Mind you, I do so enjoy the book. :)

Ju x

Anonymous said...

I read the holy and the holy grail a long time ago,when i was still musing over erich von daniken and trying to understand more about the world around me. I find alot of classical history as we know it has been altered in a chinese whispers style,and have found many biblical stories to have taken place before the times they were supposed to in ancient sumeria. I do believe jesus didnt die on the cross.I also believe the Vatican has the ark of the covenant and many books from the great library of alexandria. However,none of this will come to light until time comes for the vatican to tell the world to stop fighting amongst itself and work together. I think for now they are sitting back allowing muslims and christians to kill each before then announcing "i told you so" when everyone is ruined.